Pro Dancer News Week Ending 4th July 2021
The UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has confirmed that English theatres and performance venues will be able to re-open at full capacity from July the 19th. There is still a big problem of productions having to be suspended when a cast member has to self-isolate.... read more
Pro Dancer News Week Ending 27th June 2021
The new Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, has stated that the UK will be re-opening fully on the 19th of July. This is the clarity that theatres and performance venues have been looking for. Here is the rest of the news that the team at Dincwear Dancewear thinks will... read more
Pro Dancer News Week Ending 20th June 2021
Some productions like “Hairspray” have opened to socially distanced audiences – and a standing ovation! Other productions are waiting to open to fuller audiences hopefully on July the 19th. Here is the rest of the news that the team at Dincwear... read more
Pro Dancer News Week Ending 13th June 2021
Unfortunately, the UK Government has postponed the full lifting of covid restrictions for a further 4 weeks until July the 19th. This will increase the damage to theatre and production companies who had to spend a lot of money to be ready to open on the previous date... read more